
Emanuele Dascanio


Country: Italia

He was born in Garbagnate Milanese in 1983. After graduating from art school Lucio Fontana di Arese, in 2003 he enrolled at the Academy of Brera painting section: having learned to live in an environment decadent for the same painting, leave after six months.
Continuing, however, to have the desire and the need for artistic growth, in 2007 I began the study of Gianluca Corona, finding in him a good teacher and learning the technique of oil painting.
He has participated in various competitions and exhibitions nationally and internationally, ranking near the top. Emanuele Dascanio is a perfectionist, he has devoted much time to the study of artistic techniques and the search for continuous improvement in his skills as a painter, before embarking on the exhibition schedule.
He lives and works in Valenza (Alessandria).

Works collected on MACS

Agata/ Agate, 2015 carboncino e grafite su cartone Schoeller/ charcoal and graphite on Schoeller cardboard cm 50x34



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